tik tok on the clock

but the party doesn't stop

Hui Si Jian .
1. Hi.
2. I'm as GOOD as they come.
3. I'm studying at Hwa Chong Institution , part of class 2A3'10.
4. Calvin & Hobbes sure rock.
5. I like rock and metal.And my electric guitar :D
6. I wish for a never-ending list of things.
7. That's all, apparently.



Sunday, February 22, 2009
Current Affairs-News in class Blog Prompt Week 7 @ 12:09 AM

This post will be for the English Ace Assesment.I am an Indian politician who is very much against the sale of organs illegally and below is the drafted speech that I am going to make at the Legislature meeting.The speech is as follows:
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.Today,I will be talking about the escalating illegal sale of organs in India and my personal views about it.Firstly,I will like to talk about my personal view why such cases are happening in India.The main reason,of course is because of the lack of money for some poor people.Those people living in poor countries sell their organs to enable them to earn money to live.This is due to the hardship of works in poorer states in India and they succcumb to these methods to earn some easy money.However,by doing this they are actually risking heir own lives as they do not know what it is like to survive with only one kidney.Also,there is no conclusion on the side effects of removing one kidney and what might happen in the years to come.I feel that the government should implement some rules and try to focus on developing the poorer states instead of further devolping those already developed states.For instance,more jobs should be implemented for the poor people so they can earn better moneyinstead of selling their kidneys for money.

Secondly,there have been cases on the rise when doctors pretend to have a operation on a patient when he actually remove his/her kidney so he can earn money when he sell the kidney.I feel that the government should look into this case more seriously as this kind of actions is not only illegal but also unscrupulous.There should be a helpline for people who are involved in this case to enable them to get assistance and to bring the doctors to justice.Rules and fines can be implemented to reduce the number of similar cases from happening.This can serve as a severe deterrence toall other doctors so that they do not repeat what other doctors are doing.

I sencirely hope that you would take my considerations seriously for the sake of your people.Thank You.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
@ 7:51 PM

Oh and if anyone is wondering what is News in Class,it is just a weekly routine every Thursday when we take down notes while a video is being screened.It will then have some blog prompts for us to discuss on our blogs.
News in class Blog Prompt-World's fastest man @ 7:04 PM

This post will be for the English Ace Assesment.Young people of our generation,I am Dr Tan,currently the world's fastest man.I want to encourage you all to set worthwhile goals in life and try as hard as possible to work towards them with your capability.Goals are very important and esstencial in life.As you can see,even if you have the perserverence and determination to approach different things,without goals,you wouldn't be able to succeed and achieve anything.This is because of you not having a goal to head towards.Setting a goal is not that difficult as some people think.However,you must set resonable goals and attainable goals.For example,you cannot set a goal which is unattainable like"I must be like Harry Potter so I can go to Hogwarts" as this is not factual but just fiction.

A resonable goal is one that is like "I must get A1 for as many subjects as I can".This will spur you on to work even harder to achieve your attainable goals.
Another point is that you cannot set goals for thesake of setting or because your teacher tells you to do so.You must constantly look at your goals and try to acomplish them.Also,goals without hard work is equal to doing nothing.Goals must be accompanied with hard work to make it true.Thus,the lack of effort will result in failure.So,theamount of effort put in is equally important and it is up to you whether to work hard or not.

Finally,I hope that you would take advice seriously and hope that it will be of great help to you in future when you want to set goals.
Friday, February 6, 2009
News in class Blog Prompt--Silver workforce @ 11:56 PM

This post will be for the English Ace Assesment.Below is a speech to local businessmen,persuading them into the recruitment of older workers.

Dear young people holding high positions in your respective companies,

I am speaking out now as I want you all to try employ as much older workers as you can. Some may state my views as "unreliable", however I have my own adequate reasons for saying this.Firstly, do you think that we are old-fashioned and only know how to operate some old fashioned devices?Eg.radio,TV? No! We have actually gone on courses to enchance ourselves and do you actually know,I typed this paper on microsoft word and printed out from a printer.Also,I know how to use the mobile phone and even talk to my overseas reletivesthrough SkyPe. Thus,you can see that we actually have some useful skills in hand and can compete with the newly graduates.Also,think back to our time.It was just a privilidge to go to university. Secondly,the world today is facing an economic crisis and I believe that the young people today won't be able to persever on.Unlike us, we have the experience of perseverence since young as we needed to study and work at the same time.I then believe that by hiring us, we can help to boost your companies' workforce and push our economy despite of the crisis.We have also encountered with a different variety of problems before and thus know how to tackle them using the right way unlike others who have not even experienced being in the work force.Lastly,although we might have some difficutly understanding how to use this and that, we should always remember this:"Continue to learn even when you are old as no one is perfect." We can then learn how to use new devices one step at a time.

So,I would like you to reconsider whether old people is really lacking as compared to the younger generation.

Thank You!

Just another ordinary woman,
Tan Ah Mei
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
-cn't'd- stem cells @ 11:16 PM

This post will be for the English Ace Assesment.I realised that I did not touch on the meaning of Stem Cells on my previous post about stem cells and decided to talk about it for this post.

What is a stem cell?
A cell is a very basic structural and functional unit of life. While bacteria are unicellular because they consist of only one cell, humans are considered multicellular in that they have literally trillions of cells. Your cells are responsible for everything that you do, whether that is taking in nutrients, providing energy for you to go about your day, or reproducing. Cells in your body have many different functions and they 'stem' from simpler cells that are not yet specialised. These simpler cells are known as stem cells. What this means is that a stem cell is basically a cell that does not yet have a specific job in the body. The word 'simple' is even a bit deceiving because it implies that these cells are not important, which is far from the case.

What makes stem cell special?
Stem cells have key features that separate them from other types of cells. They are:

* Unspecialised and renew themselves by dividing
* Able, under specific conditions, to become cells with specialised jobs (e.g. the nerve cell)

When a stem cell divides, the new cell can become a different cell with a more specific function, such as a heart cell, or it can remain a stem cell. Stem cells are vital to humans for numerous reasons. In the primary stages of embryo development, a tiny cluster of approximately thirty cells eventually leads to hundreds of extremely specialised cells that are necessary for adult life. As the foetus develops, stem cells become the many specialised cells that constitute tissues such as heart and skin. In fact, groups of stem cells in some adult tissues also give rise to replacement cells that are destroyed through injury, disease or age.

Why should we learn more about stem cells?
Stem cells have an enormous potential to benefit different areas of disease research and management. By learning more about stem cells, scientists and the public can understand how these multi-purpose cells can develop into the specific and specialised cells that make humans what they are today. By studying stem cells, we can learn about the actual process that occurs from a single stem cell to a huge array of specialised cells that let us live and function each day.Stem cells also have therapeutic potential for creating tissues. The waiting lists for organ donation are overwhelming and many people die whilst waiting for an organ transplant. Certain types of stem cells may also provide a source of cells to treat a broad range of conditions such as Parkinson's disease, burns, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Thus,in conculsion,stem cells are clearly an intriguing and promising area of science but like many fields of interest, they use prompts, questions and controversy. Stem cells are already being used today to treat medical conditions that you or a loved one may suffer from and with continued research; we can all learn more details about what stem cells are and how they can improve our lives.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Reply tags @ 11:10 PM

WTH everything is chim chim one cos this is a school work(but sometimes can be informal).And you should know Miss Tan character.So you know why I act blur......duh.
Third day of the week @ 10:33 PM

Today was a relaxing day for me.The first period was maths and we did some maths problems in the textbook.As we our class was one that was strong in maths(I cant help showing off haha)we finished the problems within minutes and the teacher gave us a maths quiz which was fun.(As I like maths)But the quiz stopped halfway when the bell rang.How sad.Then for chinese,teacher gave us some work to do.

Then it was history.The teacher gave us same handouts and let us watch a video.After that we had art but the teacher only asked us to redraw as some had drawn wrongly.Then it was geoag where the teacher taught us map reading.Then school ended.Simple right?
Oh damn tomorrow is the releasing of our CCA selection.I wonder if I got in to the CCA I put as first choice.Thats all for today.
Riddles 4 you @ 10:10 PM

Lets have some jokes/riddles today!

Qns: I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?
It is a shoe.

Qns: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

It is a river.

Qns: An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons but he didn"t know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their living room. The first man bought straw but there was not enough to fill the room. The second bought some sticks but they still did not fill the room. The third man bought two things that filled the room so he obtained his father"s fortune. What were the two things that the man bought?"
The wise son bought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle the light filled the entire room.

Qns:While exploring the wilds of Canada Wild Man Dave was captured by hostile wood fairies. Brad the powerful chief of the fairies told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false he would be boiled in water. If the statement were true he would be fried in oil. Wild Man Dave found neither of this options too his liking so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could have made?

Wild Man Dave said: "You will boil me in water." The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water that would make his statement true which means he should have been fried in oil. They can only fry him in oil if he makes a true statement.
@ 9:18 PM

As I have always been posting on current events,I deceided to post on something different for the next few posts.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Stem Cell Research @ 8:34 PM

This post will be for the English Ace Assesment.Although today is a Sunday,I deceided to post as an article caught my eye when I was reading the times magazine.It was about the debate on stem cell research which is new to most of us,including me.However,after reading the article,I deceided to summarise the pros and cons of Stem Cell research so all of us can have a better understanding of Stem Cells.

Stem cell research can potentially help treating a range of medical problems. It could lead us closer to cure:

* Parkinson’s Disease
* Alzheimer’s Disease
* Heart Diseases, Stroke and Diabetes (Type 1)
* Birth Defects
* Spinal Cord Injuries
* Replace or Repair Damaged Organs
* Reduced Risk of Transplantation (You could possibly get a copy of your own heart in a heart-transplantation in the future)

This could also give significant social and economic benefits for individuals and the society.

Some argue that stem cell research in the far future can lead to knowledge on how to clone humans. It is hard to say whether this is true, but we have seen devastating consequences of other research, even with good intentions, such as nuclear research.
Also,up until now, human abortion has been needed to get proper material to study.

Finally,I would like to state that no matter what we argue about in life there will always be the good side and the bad side;but what is more important is that we try to maximise the good pionts and reduce the bad points.

I would like to then say a quick word of thank you to those who have been constantly reading my posts.

Economy will always have the upperhand over environmental conservation. @ 1:43 AM

This post will be for the English Ace Assesment.This was the question my class debated over in the current affairs discussion on Friday.As I was not the panelist,I would now like to express my views if Economy would really have the upper hand in real life.
Firstly,I would like to state that economy is not really everything.Without all those greenery out there,who would come and visit our country?As a result,our economy will surely drop.However,in the other way,if we do not hove a good economy,how are we supposed to sustain our environment?Thus,I feel that both are inter-dependent on each other.I would also like to comment on a statement that the Businessman said.

"Once the IR(integrated resort)is built,our economy will surely be boost and there will not be the need to care of the environment."

I would like to say that as the world is facing an economy crisis now,lesser people would want to spend their money on resorts and it will not surely boost our economy.Secondly,I would like to state that the government is actually using our money(the taxpayers')to build the resort,not using its own money.Thirdly,due to the economy crisis,people might want to gamble in an attempt to strike a fortune but this will result in the bankruptcy of more people!This will then have a bad image on our environment with beggars roaming everywhere!

What are your views?Do not hesitate to write it on the tag board.Thanks!